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The Bucks Senior Softball League



(Revised May 10, 2021)


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Bucks Senior Softball League, hereafter referred to as the League.

Section 2.  The official League membership shall be comprised of the Executive Board, all Team Managers, Assistant Managers, and Players.


Section 1.  The League is a competitive softball league for individuals aged sixty-five (65) years and older.  Its purpose is to promote healthy competition and camaraderie in a safe and friendly environment.

Section 2. Tax Exempt Purpose:  The League shall not be empowered to engage, directly or indirectly, in any activity that would invalidate its status as an organization exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The League identifies itself as an organization described in Section 501(c)(7) of the Code. All references to the Code contained herein are deemed to include corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.  

ARTICLE III  Executive Board

Section 1.  The League shall be governed by a nine (9) member Executive Board elected to two-year staggered terms.  At the first organizational meeting of the newly elected Executive Board, a Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be duly elected, by the newly formed Executive Board, from among those nine board members.

Section 2.  The Commissioner will appoint the remaining five (5) board members to one of the following positions:  Registrar, Equipment Manager, Chief Umpire, Grounds Crew Chief, and Liaison Officer.

Section 3.  The Executive Board shall have complete power to manage the League’s formats, schedules, assignments, and game competition rules; to raise funds for the benefit of the League and its participants in direct relationship only to League activities, in any manner; and to perform all other necessary League functions.


Section 1. Membership:

(a) Players, Team Managers, and Assistant Managers shall sign annual League registration forms. Signing confirms their voluntary participation in scheduled League play, that they do so willingly and at their own risk, and that they thereby, separately, for their heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights against the League, its members, affiliates, sponsors, agents or representatives for any and all accidents, injuries, or losses suffered while competing in scheduled practices, League play, and/or in connection with any programs of the League.

(b) Each League team shall be under the charge of a Team Manager (and in his absence, an Assistant Manager), who shall represent that team in scheduled League play and be answerable to the Executive Board.

(c) The Executive Board shall establish registration fees yearly.  The registration fee shall be due and payable on board stipulated dates before playing in any game or pre-season outdoor practice. Once paid, fees shall not be returned after these deadlines, unless waived, by approval of the Commissioner, for player withdrawal due to illness, injury, or personal reasons.  Before game uniforms are ordered, 70% of the registration fee may be refunded.  After game uniforms are ordered, and before May 16th, 40% of the registration fee may be refunded.  After May 15th, no fees will be returned for any reason. 

(c1) Failure of a Team Manager, Assistant Manager, or a player to comply with the League’s approved rules of play and code of ethics:

  1. For the first offense, the individual shall be given a documented verbal and written warning by the Commissioner.  The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

  2. For the second offense, not necessarily of the same actions, but of the Code, the individual shall be suspended, by a majority of affirmative votes of the Executive Board, for five (5) games for the second offense.  The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

  3. On the third offense of the Code, the individual shall be indefinitely suspended, by a majority of affirmative votes of the Executive Board.  The said individual shall be given an opportunity to be heard in his defense of such reason to do so.

(c2)  If the offense is egregious, the Executive Board has the right to take appropriate action.

(d) Draft Policy: Before each new season, new teams will be formed to begin the new season of play. The objective of the draft process is to achieve balance and parity among the teams in the League.

Section 2. Player Eligibility:

(a) The age requirement for eligibility of League players shall be 65 years.  Players, whose 65th birthday occurs in the year of scheduled play, are considered eligible.  Exceptions must have Executive Board approval.

(b) There are no residency requirements for League Players, Team Managers, or Assistant Managers.

(c) COVID vaccination has been identified as a requirement for play for the 2021 season.


(e) Waiting List Players and ‘Out for the Season’ Players:  

1. Any late registrants, who seek to join the league after the close of registration, will be placed on a waiting list.

2. The assignment of a late registrant to a particular team shall be approved by the Executive Board.

3. Late registrants, who are assigned to a team, may not play in a game until they are appropriately registered.

4. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to document when an injured player is officially ‘out for the season’.

5. The Executive Board will choose a particular waiting list player, with as close to the same rating as possible, to replace an ‘out for the season’ player.

6.  If a player has been declared ‘out for the season’ and has been replaced by another player, then the player may come back and be placed on a new team. Depending on how many games are left in the season, the returning once-injured player may elect to purchase a shirt and hat for the new team or play without doing so but wearing a shirt close in color to his team's uniform. If the original team has not received a replacement, the once-injured player may resume his spot on the roster.


Proposals to amend any portion of this Constitution may be submitted, in writing, to the Commissioner at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the regular meeting of the Executive Board or a special meeting called for that purpose. If approved by 2/3 affirmative votes of the Executive Board, a motion for approval by all League players, may be considered during the following regular meeting or special meeting. Adoption shall require 2/3  affirmative votes of the Executive Board and all League players participating in the adoption vote.

In the event of the dissolution of the League, all assets and properties, which remain after the discharge of the League’s liabilities, shall be used and distributed by the Executive Board through donations to one or more  501c charitable organization of their choice.





Section 1.  The governing and management of the League, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or these Bylaws, shall be vested in and controlled by the Executive Board. 

Section 2.  Election, Appointment, Term of Office

(a) All Executive Board officers positions, whose two year term has expired, shall be filled by election, from the official League membership, for two-year terms at the end-of-season League Meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.

(b) The Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the end-of-season League elections, to select one candidate for each of the expired executive board positions. 

(c) Written nominations for the Executive Board, from the general membership and accepted by the nominees, must be received by the Commissioner at least seven (7) days prior to the end-of-season League meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose.  Should there be no nominations from the general membership, the slate presented by nominating committee shall be elected by acclamation.

(d) Should nominations from the general membership be received, then an election will be held to fill the vacant Executive Board member positions.  Election to office shall require a plurality vote of the League officers and players casting a vote in the elections. The candidate with the highest number of votes will win the first position, the second-highest number of votes wins the second position, and so on, until all vacant positions are filled.

(e) Executive Board members may be re-elected to consecutive terms of office.

Section 3. Vacancy:

(a) Whenever a vacancy of office exists, the Executive Board shall make an interim appointment to serve until the next election.

Section 4. Duties of the Executive Board:

(a) Serve as the official governing and management body of the League.

(b) Conduct all business affairs of the League.

(c) Enforce the League Constitution and Bylaws.

(d) Amend the Constitution and Bylaws in conjunction with the official League membership in accordance with the procedures contained therein.

(e) Establish annual League fees, special levies or assessments, and due dates.

(f) Review and approve the annual League budget submitted by the Treasurer.

(g) Arrange and schedule League play and assure compliance with League’s established playing rules and regulations.

(h) Establish bank accounts as necessary to accomplish League financial activities in accordance with the provisions contained in Article IV FINANCES.

(i) The Executive Board shall appoint team managers prior to the start of the next season.

(j) If a team does not have an appointed team manager, then the players of that team will select a manager from their team roster.

Section 5. Duties of the Commissioner:

(a) Serve as the official representative of the League.

(b) Attend and preside at all regular and special League meetings, and rule on questions of order.

(c) Sign all official League documents issued on behalf of the League.

(d) Serve as ex officio member of all committees.

(e) Appoint Executive Board members to the position of Registrar, Grounds Crew Chief, Equipment Manager, Chief Umpire, and Liaison Officer.

Section 6. Duties of the Assistant Commissioner:

(a) Assume the duties of the Commissioner in case of his absence.

(b) Advise and consult with the Commissioner and assume other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

(c) Oversee the administration of the league’s website.

(d) Oversee the communications of routine league wide information (rainouts, game results, phone hotline).

Section 7. Duties of the Secretary:

(a) Take and file the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Board.

(b) Affirm that the required quorums and/or League membership attendance are present.

(c) Maintain a current directory of the Executive Board, Standing Committees, Team Managers, and Assistant Managers.

(d) Maintain up-to-date League team rosters and season schedules.

(e) Conduct official correspondence of the League and duly transmit all notices required by the Constitution and Bylaws.

(f) Act as custodian for all official League records, minutes, and printed materials.

(g) Perform other duties incidental to the office or as assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 8. Duties of the Treasurer:

(a) Act as the custodian for all League funds and deposit them in a League named account, with a Financial institution approved by the Executive Board and in accordance with these Bylaws.

(b) Recommend an annual League budget to the Executive Board, collect all fees and assessments, and disburse funds as approved by the Commissioner.

(c) Maintain income and disbursement records and receipts for all League financial transactions, and balance and certify bank accounts monthly.

(d) Submit a financial report to the Executive Board at each regular League meeting.

(e) Cooperate fully in an annual audit of accounts by a committee appointed by the Executive Board.

(f) Perform other duties incidental to the office or as assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 9. Duties of the Five Directors:

(a) Registrar:

  1. Oversee League/USA Softball player registration and provide insurance certificates to the Middletown Township Recreation Department

  2. Oversee the League’s media advertisements.  

  3. Oversee the Annual Draft committee.

(b) Equipment Manager:  

  1. Oversee the purchase of team uniforms, softball equipment, and game related items.  

  2. Oversee the Bat Certification Committee.

  3. Oversee the inventory of all league owned items.

(c) Chief Umpire:

  1. Oversee the creation of a calendar of events and game schedule for the upcoming season.

  2. Oversee the recruiting, training, and scheduling of volunteer umpires.

(d) Grounds Crew Chief:

  1. Oversee the recruiting, training, and scheduling of volunteer grounds crew members.

(e) Liaison Officer:

  1. Oversee all social functions, i.e. luncheons, golf outings, family picnics, and special events.  

  2. Oversee the maintenance of a good working relationship with the Middletown Township Recreation Department, Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad, and the Langhorne Athletic Association.

  3. Oversee the submission of spring and fall applications to the Middletown Township Recreation Department for use of the Community Park softball fields.

Section 10. Duties of Team Managers

(a) Team Managers will select one or more Assistant Managers.

(b) Team Managers, or his designee, will perform the following:

  1. Post a lineup and positions to be played by each player during the game.

  2. Keep an accurate score book.

  3. Keep an accurate up-to-date spreadsheet of the players stats.

  4. Send or post game results to the person collecting the information by the next morning at the latest, preferably by that night when the game was played.

  5. Listen to all comments, complaints, and concerns of players and deal with them fairly and appropriately.

  6. Be the teams representative and voice on the field when it comes to questions of rules and questions with the umpires. This means knowing the rules.

  7. Be prompt in answering all emails from members of the executive board and for checking emails daily.

  8. Be a responsible participant as a member of the managers group as it reviews the rules at the end of the season.

  9. At the end of the season, turn in the electronic spreadsheet with the player stats to the person who is coordinating the collection of these stats.

  10. Assure that all players get fair and appropriate playing time in the field.

Section 11. Removal of an Officer:

(a) An officer may be removed from office for good cause, as determined by a 2/3 affirmative votes of the Executive Board, providing that the officer has been given an opportunity to be heard in defense of such reason to do so. Said removal shall then be considered a vacancy of office.


Standing, ad hoc, and special committees, as determined appropriate, shall be identified and appointed by the Executive Board for the purposes of planning, playing rules, regulations, season schedules, public relations, nominations, audit, and any other activity consistent with and in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 1. Regular League Meetings:

(a) Regular League meetings shall be held no less than four times per calendar year, as scheduled by the Executive Board. An end-of-season meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, is required annually for the purpose of election of expired Executive Board positions.

(b) Quorum for a regular meeting shall be a majority of the Executive Board.  If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned and no League business transacted. Voting shall be by voice, show of hands, or ballot. Proxy votes are not permitted.

(c) Meetings shall be presided over by the Commissioner or by another Executive Board member named by him.

(d) The order of business shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  1. Call to order,

  2. Affirmation of quorum,

  3. Approval of previous meeting minutes,

  4. Approval of financial report,

  5. Report of the Commissioner,

  6. Report of committees,

  7. Unfinished business,

  8. New business,

  9. Adjournment.

(e) Attendance at regular League meetings is open to the League membership as defined in the Constitution. With the exception of the election of officers and/or amendment of the Constitution and Bylaws, only the members of the Executive Board may vote at regular League meetings.

(f) The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all meetings of the League in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and Bylaws, and any special rules the League may adopt.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Commissioner or by a majority of the Executive Board.  Notice of special meetings shall be emailed to the members at least 7 days, but no more than 21 days before the meeting.

Section 3. Electronic Meetings and Surveys

  1. Meetings of the Executive Board or committees may be held by means of the Internet or other electronic communications technology in a fashion pursuant to which the members have the opportunity to read or hear the proceedings substantially concurrently with their occurrence, vote on matters submitted to the members, pose questions to the members, make appropriate motions and comment on the business of the meeting. Moreover, the participation by members at member meetings by conference telephone, or other electronic means, including, without limitation, the internet, will constitute the presence of, or vote or action by, or consent or dissent of the member.

  2. Voting by Electronic Survey may be used for election of officers, and for amendments to the constitution or by-laws, and for such other important matters as the Commissioner, or a majority of the Executive Board, may order to be voted on, after a required electronic conference to debate the issue.  Voting by electronic survey cannot be a secret ballot, as it is necessary for the tellers to know by whom each vote is cast. 


Section 1. Bank Accounts:

(a) The League shall establish an account into which all funds derived from League membership fees, sponsor or player donations, fundraising events, projects, etc, shall be deposited.

(b) The account shall be balanced monthly and certified by the Treasurer.

(c) Numbered checks, signed by the Treasurer and filed for audit, shall be used for reimbursement for expenditures made on behalf of the league.

Section 2. Records:

(a) The Treasurer shall keep records of all financial transactions and submit a written report to the Executive Board at each regular League meeting.

Section 3. Audit:

(a) An Audit Committee, appointed by the Executive Board, shall annually complete an audit of the League finances at the completion of the post season tournament.

Section 4. Compensation:  No officer shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary or compensation from the League for serving as an officer.  However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent any officer from being reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred while conducting activities on behalf of the League.


Proposals to amend any portion of these Bylaws may be submitted, in writing, to the Commissioner at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the regular meeting of the Executive Board or a special meeting called for that purpose. If approved by 2/3 affirmative vote of the Executive Board, a motion, may be considered for approval by all League players, during the following regular meeting or special meeting. Adoption shall require a 2/3 affirmative votes of the Executive Board and all League players participating in the adoption vote.

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